.. _dev_docker: ============= Docker Builds ============= This section describes how to build the Docker images and also the VarFish site data tarballs. The intended audience are VarFish developers. ------------------- Build Docker Images ------------------- Building the image:: $ ./docker/build-docker.sh By default the latest tag is used. You can change this with. $ GIT_TAG=v0.1.0 ./docker/build-docker.sh ------------------------------ Get ``varfish-docker-compose`` ------------------------------ The database is built in ``varfish-docker-compose``. :: $ git clone git@github.com:bihealth/varfish-docker-compose.git $ cd varfish-docker-compose $ ./init.sh ---------------------------- First-Time Container Startup ---------------------------- You have to startup the postgres container once to create the Postgres database. Once it has been initialized, shutdown with Ctrl-C. :: $ docker-compose up postgres Now copy over the ``postgresql.conf`` file that has been tuned for the VarFish use cases. :: $ cp config/postgres/postgresql.conf volumes/postgres/data/postgresql.conf Bring up the site again so we can build the database. :: $ docker-compose up Wait until ``varfish-web`` is up and running and all migrations have been applied, look for ``VARFISH MIGRATIONS END`` in the output of ``run-docker-compose-up.sh``. --------------------------- Pre-Build Postgres Database --------------------------- Download static data :: $ cd /plenty/space $ wget https://file-public.bihealth.org/transient/varfish/varfish-server-background-db-20201006.tar.gz{,.sha256} $ sha256sum -c varfish-server-background-db-20201006.tar.gz.sha256 $ tar xzvf varfish-server-background-db-20201006.tar.gz Adjust the ``docker-compose.yml`` file such that ``/plenty/space`` is visible in the varfish-web container. :: volumes: - "/plenty/space:/data" Get the name of the running varfish-web container. :: $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 44be6ece102e minio/minio "/usr/bin/docker-ent…" 11 minutes ago Up About a minute 9000/tcp varfish-docker-compose_minio_1 3b23113e5aa1 quay.io/biocontainers/exomiser-rest-prioritiser:12.1.0--1 "exomiser-rest-prior…" 11 minutes ago Up About a minute varfish-docker-compose_exomiser-rest-prioritiser_1 b8c49e8c24a6 quay.io/biocontainers/jannovar-cli:0.33--0 "jannovar -Xmx6G -Xm…" 11 minutes ago Up About a minute varfish-docker-compose_jannovar_1 409a535b9951 bihealth/varfish-server:0.22.1-0 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 12 minutes ago Up About a minute 8080/tcp varfish-docker-compose_varfish-celerybeat_1 7eb7425c59e2 bihealth/varfish-server:0.22.1-0 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 12 minutes ago Up About a minute 8080/tcp varfish-docker-compose_varfish-celeryd-import_1 020811fde306 bihealth/varfish-server:0.22.1-0 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 12 minutes ago Up About a minute 8080/tcp varfish-docker-compose_varfish-celeryd-query_1 87b03ee0249b bihealth/varfish-server:0.22.1-0 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 12 minutes ago Up About a minute 8080/tcp varfish-docker-compose_varfish-celeryd-default_1 7a3fdb337fae bihealth/varfish-server:0.22.1-0 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 12 minutes ago Up About a minute 8080/tcp varfish-docker-compose_varfish-web_1 9295a101570f postgres:12 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 12 minutes ago Up About a minute 5432/tcp varfish-docker-compose_postgres_1 1c4d6e235074 traefik:v2.3.1 "/entrypoint.sh --pr…" 12 minutes ago Up About a minute>80/tcp,>443/tcp varfish-docker-compose_traefik_1 8d72fd096743 redis:6 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 12 minutes ago Up About a minute 6379/tcp varfish-docker-compose_redis_1 Initialize the tables (while at least ``docker-compose up varfish-web postgres redis`` is running). :: $ docker exec -it -w /usr/src/app varfish-docker-compose_varfish-web_1 python manage.py import_tables --tables-path /data --threads 8 Then, shutdown the ``docker-compose up``, remove the ``volumes:`` entry for ``varfish-web``, and create a tarball of the postgres database to have a clean copy. -------------- Add Other Data -------------- Copy the other required data for ``jannovar`` and ``exomiser``. The result should look similar to this: :: # tree volumes/jannovar volumes/exomiser volumes/jannovar ├── hg19_ensembl.ser ├── hg19_refseq_curated.ser └── hg19_refseq.ser volumes/exomiser ├── 1909_hg19 │ ├── 1909_hg19_clinvar_whitelist.tsv.gz . . [..] │ └── 1909_hg19_variants.mv.db └── 1909_phenotype ├── 1909_phenotype.h2.db ├── phenix │ ├── 10.out . . [..] │ ├── ALL_SOURCES_ALL_FREQUENCIES_genes_to_phenotype.txt │ ├── hp.obo │ └── phenotype_annotation.tab └── rw_string_10.mv 3 directories, 55 files ------------------ Create a Superuser ------------------ While the ``docker-compose up`` is running :: $ docker exec -it -w /usr/src/app varfish-docker-compose_varfish-web_1 python manage.py createsuperuser Username: root Email address: Password: Password (again): Superuser created successfully. ------------------ Setup Initial Data ------------------ Create test category & project. Obtain API key and configure ``varfish-cli``. Import some test data through the API. :: $ varfish-cli --no-verify-ssl case create-import-info --resubmit \ 92f5d735-0967-4db2-a801-50fe96359f51 \ $(find path/to/variant_export/work/*NA12878* -name '*.tsv.gz' -or -name '*.ped') -------------------- Create Data Tarballs -------------------- Now create the released data tarballs. :: tar -cf - volumes | pigz -c > varfish-site-data-v0.22.2-20210212.tar.gz && sha256sum varfish-site-data-v0.22.2-20210212.tar.gz >varfish-site-data-v0.22.2-20210212.tar.gz.sha256 & tar -cf - test-data | pigz -c > varfish-test-data-v0.22.2-20210212.tar.gz && sha256sum varfish-test-data-v0.22.2-20210212.tar.gz >varfish-test-data-v0.22.2-20210212.tar.gz.sha256