.. _admin_upgrade: ============================ Upgrade Varfish Installation ============================ This section contains upgrade instructions for upgrading your VarFish Server installation using `VarFish Docker Compose `__. ------------------ v0.23.0 to v0.23.9 ------------------ This includes all version in between, v0.23.1, ..., v0.23.9. **Summary** This are minor bug fix releases. You should be able to upgrade by just updating your ``varfish-docker-compose`` repository clone and calling ``docker-compose up -d``. ------------------ v0.23.1 to v0.23.2 ------------------ **Summary** This is a minor bug fix release that improved the deployment of the VarFish Demo and Kiosk sites. You should be able to upgrade by just updating your ``varfish-docker-compose`` repository clone and calling ``docker-compose up -d``. ------------------ v0.22.1 to v0.23.0 ------------------ **Summary** - The Docker Compose installer now provides support for setting up CADD score annotation via `cadd-rest-api `__. - The environment variable ``FIELD_ENCRYPTION_KEY`` **should** be setup properly by the user. - Two new celery queues are needed: ``maintenance`` and ``export``. - To enable the new and optional feature for uploading variants to SPANR you have to set the environment variable ``VARFISH_ENABLE_SPANR_SUBMISSION`` to ``1``. Detailed Instructions ===================== Docker Compose: cadd-rest-api ----------------------------- Update your varfish-docker-compose installation with the changes from the Github repository without installing cadd-rest-api. This will give you commented out lines for running one ``cadd-rest-api-server`` and multiple ``cadd-rest-api-celeryd-worker-?`` containers. For enabling them, follow the instructions in :ref:`admin_extras_cadd_scripts`. Additional Celery Queues ------------------------ After updating your ``varfish-docker-compose.yml`` file, ensure that you the two additional containers ``varfish-celeryd-maintenance`` and ``varfish-celeryd-export``. These will run the background jobs for running maintenance tasks and export results. They will be started when running ``docker-compose up``. Environment Variable: ``FIELD_ENCRYPTION_KEY`` ---------------------------------------------- Set the environment variable in the ``.env`` file as documented in :ref:`admin_config_misc`. The default value is also stored in the public repository and thus not very secure.